
State Route 167 Bridge Replacement over Pea River

Alabama Department of Transportation

After 60 years of service, the three bridges located on state Route 167 in Coffee County exhibited structural distress and required immediate attention. The Alabama Department of Transportation selected the bridge replacement as a pilot project to transition from Allowable Stress Design to Load and Resistance Factor Design as mandated by the Federal Highway Administration. CDG performed the geotechnical evaluation for the relocated roadway and bridges, including the 395-foot main bridge over Pea River and two relief bridges. Due to the silty and clayey sands of the Gulf Coastal Plain, CDG recommended driven piles and drilled shafts for foundation support. Load testing performed on the shafts and piles allowed for the use of higher resistance factors and demonstrated side friction and end bearing values. This resulted in shallower foundations and significant cost savings for the client.


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